SideCart is an e-commerce platform aimed at content creators and influencers seeking an avenue for making an alternative income stream. With the option to share and link store owner's unique shop links via social media, SideCart gives its users the ability to advertise their products in a simple, fun and casual way.
I was engaged by SideCart's founder to develop the brand identity, brand tagline and UI designs for the website landing pages. The brand identity needed to be approachable while also being marketed as a secure and sophisticated platform.
A minimal yet friendly user interface was designed to appeal to social media savvy adults and paired with natural and aspirational photography representing sellers and buyers using SideCart.
An element of fun has been inserted into the brand through the playful use of colour and a personable brand mark that makes reference to a shopping tag.
"I've really valued your contribution to our startup and I believe the brand identity you have produced is an accurate and professional depiction of my vision brought to life."
Andrew Wilson - Sidecart CEO
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